Al Muzaini Exchange opens it 108th Branch “Press Release”


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Our Strong Network getting STRONGER: Al Muzaini, a renowned financial solutions provider and the leading exchange house in Kuwait, has opened its 108th branch in Abbasiya, Block-5, Street-60.

Inaugurated by Hugh Fernandez, General Manger of Al Muzaini, along with senior officials, the new branch offers customers a broad range of financial services like instant bank transfers, instant money transfers, foreign currency exchange & Corporate/Trade transfers, all days of the week.

Hugh Fernandez, General Manager of Al Muzaini Exchange said: “It is our vision to make financial services accessible to all. The opening of the new branch is in that direction and will help us to bring our network closer to our customers providing convenience to the local and expatriate communities, and consequently contribute to the country’s economy.

We are grateful to our well-wishers for their continued support to fulfil customer’s aspirations by providing them with cutting-edge financial products and services through most sophisticated technology.


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